Monday, October 12, 2009

Making Applesauce at Melissa's

Yesterday Mommy, Daddy, and I went to Melissa's house to make applesauce. Melissa is mommy's friend from knitting. First we went to the orchard and picked two bags of apples. Then we went to Melissa's house and cut and washed them. My job was to wash the apples and Mommy and Daddy cut them. We gave the middles to the chickens. Mommy and Daddy were really slow cutting the apples so Melissa helped them. Then we put the apples in a big pot on the stove to cook until they were mushy. Then we put the mushy apples in the food mill and we had to turn the crank and applesauce came out. We had to sterilize the jars and the tops. Daddy had to hold the funnel and pour the applesauce into the jars from the funnel. I helped by wiping the applesauce off the funnel before it dropped on the seal of the jar. We made 8 large jars and three of them had cinnamon with brown sugar. We brought 2 jars over to grandma's house.

P.S. from Grandma - when I asked Marley why Mommy didn't take any pictures, Marley said..."because we were too busy having fun." I guess that is a good enough reason!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Sunny Goes Rolling

On Mother's Day morning Sunny got out by accident (Daddy lets him out all the time). He started rolling like he always does. I got my camera and took a video of him. He rolled on the top steps (I thought he was going to run away) then he went to the bottom steps. Then he went on the patio and I stopped the video because I thought he was going to get away. I picked him up and put him inside.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Marley's Snowy Day

This was a writing center assignment. It took us four days to do it, one page a day. It was a nonfiction story. I wrote about when Uncle Mark and Janelle watched me for a day.

I like to make forts with my uncule. We make a look-out point. We make a leje for snow balls incase we get ataked!

I like to cutdel up under a blaket. Wach tv (Pokemon). Knit

I like to go sledding with my uncle Mark and Junel (my uncle's girlfriend) We go on big hills. There's one thing bad about it: going up it!

Sometimes I would have a snow ball fight, with my dad. He would mack very good snow balls, I would mack horible ones. We would each have a snow fort made of mounds of snow my dad shoveled.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Marley the Cat Trainer

Last night I slept over Grandma's house and this morning we played a game called Marley the Cat Trainer. I needed to train Grandma's cat Izzy to not bite, and to sit on laps. I got Izzy to know me. I used her crunchies for rewards. I taught her to do tricks. I taught her to listen to commands. I taught her not to bite and I taught her to sit on people's laps. I also taught Grandma how to keep up the training when I am not here.

P.S. from Grandpa: "I don't think Izzy's training is over. She was standing on the bathroom counter biting my elbow while I was shaving."

Friday, February 6, 2009

Solar System Story

It was at the end of the school day, and I was going to the after school program. I usually go to the gym with Miss Abby and Miss Brittany but today I stayed in the cafeteria. Mr. Brendan (the boss of the program) and Miss Markus (the Principal's daughter) were the people who did the activity. My best friend Meghan was there with me. Miss Markus read the Magic Tree House book Lost in the Solar System. After that we were supposed to make two big posters of the solar system. But the table that I was on did not get along so only the other table did it. The table that I was on each made one little poster. My picture had a solar system.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Sledding in class

You get loops for a reward at my school if your class is very good. My class needs to get 25 loops to get a BIG reward and we got it! As a reward we got to go sledding in class. We got to bring in our snow gear! At the end of the day, before Social Studies, we went sledding. Some of the kids in my class brought in sleds and the teachers brought in sleds too. So we went to the hill at the back of my school. The snow had a thick layer of ice on it. It was so thick that if you were very careful you could ice skate on it! My friend Jovani, me and some other kids in my class did just that. In the beginning of the party I had all my snow gear on, but at the end I took most of it off. At the end of the party, we went inside for a few minutes. We got hot chocolate in the school cafeteria, but we brought it outside and sat on the sleds to drink it. After that we went inside to our classroom. As we passed by everybody in the hall, they all wondered why we had our snow gear on! When we got to our classroom we changed into our regular clothes. Then we had hot chocolate, cookies, and pretzels (I didn't have any hot chocolate or cookies inside). After our party, two people shared their timelines (that's another story!).